University of Utrecht

Boosting student performance, well-being, and ethics

The challenge

The core of educational achievement lies in students’ motivation to actively interact with, retain, and utilize course content in their everyday routines. As traditional approaches shifted to online-centered education, the manner in which students engage with, retain, and apply course material underwent a sudden transformation. Simultaneously, the rapid advancement of AI has introduced challenges in overseeing student asynchronous learning, monitoring motivation, tracking progress, and providing well-being support.

Our Solution

To boost educational succes, to better meet student needs, and to safeguard student wellbeing in a remote context, WorkBoost was engaged to: 1) enhance how professors manage asynchronous learning in hybrid education, 2) bolster support for students’ study habits, track motivation, and ensure well-being in all types of study settings, and 3) promote responsible AI use among students while preventing dishonest study practices.

Key Results

Students were 10% more likely to meet deadlines and show higher performance as compared to students who didn’t get Boosts. 

One course even showed an 1.7 increase in exam scores and a 20% higher pass rate as compared to the previous year.

AI-supported (bi)weekly reporting of WorkBoost provided professors the insights to better safegaurd student wellbeing in remote contexts.

Students reported to be 80% less likely use dishonest (AI) study tactics as a result of to WorkBoost’s AI supported boost-to-report services. 

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