National Public Administration

Boosting remote performance support and team development

The challenge

Post-pandemic, hybrid work is common, posing intricate challenges for organizations, including the National Public Administration (NPA). SRN, which facilitates collaborations among NPA departments in northern Netherlands, aimed to optimize remote personalized support while preserving team and organizational unity in remote work setups.

Our Solution

WorkBoost was asked to help four teams from distinct departments that had recently: 1) hired staff, 2) faced role changes due to strategy shifts, and 3) struggled with skills for effective remote teamwork. They employed the WorkBoost Method and Software to set precise growth objectives, offer remote performance aid, and enhance team unity in non-office-based interactions.

Key Results

10-15% percent increase desired behaviors, knowledge and feelings related to successful remote working and shift in their role. 

Only 5% drop in weekly engagement in app usage after 4 months.

4 new innovations related to fostering team coherence were designed and successfully implemented. 

1 of the teams became a best practice related to how they fill the new strategic role and is now onboarding other teams with this Method. 

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