The Difference Between Formal, Non-formal and Informal Learning
In the educational landscape, we distinguish between formal, non-formal and informal learning. Each type has its own characteristics, goals and context. In this blog, let's take a closer look at what these types of learning entail and how the boundaries are blurring in the modern educational environment.
Formal Learning
Formal learning refers to systematic and structured learning within an environment specifically designed for learning. Think of school systems or formal training programs with the goal of obtaining recognized degrees or certificates.
Non-Formal Learning
Non-formal learning is a role-based, but perhaps less systematic and structured form of learning. Although it is not aimed at obtaining a recognized diploma or certificate, it is still goal-oriented. Examples include courses at a library or community center, or on-the-job learning.
Informal Learning
Informal learning is the vague, unintentional variety of learning that takes place outside of a formal or structured environment. This is the creation of skills or knowledge as a byproduct of other activities, for example, learning to refuel, use your smartphone, or interact with colleagues.
The Blurring of Boundaries
The boundaries between formal, nonformal and informal learning are becoming increasingly blurred. This shift may be due to two factors. First, thanks to technological developments, we no longer need to be physically present to learn formally. This means that the distinction of learning location becomes less relevant. Second, the concept of workplace learning tends toward informal learning, even though it is often purposeful. This is because workplace learning is often less systematic and planned than traditional learning.
What terms we use is less important than understanding what they mean. It is essential to recognize that all forms of learning have value and can contribute to the development of a person or organization. Which form of learning works best depends on the context and the goals of the learning.
As an L&D manager, HR manager or education specialist, it can be important to understand how these three forms of learning can merge and contribute to the bigger picture. With WorkBoost as your partner, you can make the most of all three types of learning with our AI-powered personalized microlearnings, real-time feedback, rewards, progress insights and reports for managers and coaches.Ready to embrace the future of learning? Contact us today!
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